Rom.14.17 [After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (AMP)
Men, God really got me here. But sometimes I can't help but crave chocolates, or cookies, or those amazing biscuits, or even things like goat meat peppersoup. #Sighs.
Now does this mean God does not want us to have our desires? Nope! This scripture here is telling us what should be our focus of satisfaction. The righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, should get you thrilled—unending, instead of what your tongue craves. Got it! This means that, if it happens that we fail to get our cravings, this shouldn't be the reason for moroseness or disappointment. Let more solid things fill you up bruh!! 😄😄😄😄
And here's what I've learnt, when you seek things of the kingdom; like the joy of the Lord, His peace, His righteousness and all He has to offer, God has a way of making all other things add to you. Exactly! like that shawarma you badly want.😃 LOL!
So this particular evening, I sat alone as usual, in my huge, echoing room with sparse property positioned here and there and my narrow bed in the middle of it all. My roommate had recently moved—that explained the excess space. So, as I sat looking around and pondering on what to eat, that evening, I found myself, continuously running out of clues. This would have been no matter to ponder over, had my roommate been around. Many times, she cooked our meals before I returned from church. But right now I just wanted to eat something substantial that night.
Minutes ticked into hours and the craving for the 'party rice' from a regular food joint called 'Item7' started creeping into my taste buds. One of it's numerous food spots just happened to loom, just opposite my hostel, making the whole thing more complicated. I swallowed, patted my hungry stomach and tried to shut it out, as it was a luxury in these times. Besides I had decided to be intentional with my savings this month. God had been so big on having me work on my saving habits this year, that he drummed it in my ears, through my pastor. It was our year of OWNERSHIP and we had to be intentional about our finances. Nothing was too small to store away and nothing was to big to possess, even at a young age.
Anyway, I overcame the temptation to spend out of the money I was meant to save and found something 'not so close to my cravings' to nibble on, while I tucked the extra cash for future wealth! lol! Yes! I placed God's instructions over my desires! mhen that's righteousness! However you see it.
Now here was what happened the next day. The food I so much wanted, found itself to my doorstep! Okay, no anonymous angel dropped it there, but a friend from school came visiting and decided to get me my treat, without me asking her to! Not only did she get me the food, she also kept my company all through the evening. To think that I really needed that as well!
And when she had left, it dawned on me what had happened. I got my treat and saved up at the same time! Like me eating my cake and having it. Although this might seem too little an experience to back up the scriptures we examined from the beginning of this writeup, trust me, it's no different, even in a seemingly more serious scenario. God's principles work the same and can be reproduced, regardless of the situation.
Guess what? it's in the smallest of situations, when you think 'God possibly can't be interested in this silly desire of mine' that He overwhelms you beyond your calculations. You just seek what He seeks and the rest is history; because, when what matters to God, matters to you, then your matter becomes His matter.
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