The money is not in Real estate, the money is not in Agriculture or Forex or Crypto or NFt or Airdrop either...Yesss...
In every field you think about there are people making big money from it and there are people struggling without making any headway from it also...
There are people who have built houses from selling akara(kosai) while there are people who cant even get their daily bread and have been in real estate for years.
So stop thinking about where the money is. Your own money is where God says it is. So these are things you ask God, not just forcing God and crying for him to bless the works of your hands. The question is was he the one that directed you to that "work of your hand".
Wait for his Direction and he will lead you to where your money is,which might not be anything anyone else is seeing, but because that's what leading you to, your eyes would be open to see the money there with little to no stress, and someone else will get on that same work and would see nothing.
when you walk like this, you cant walk in hate, competition or envy.
So jumping from one thing to the other looking for where the money is, rather Stay with God and ask him where your own Money is. your money is in Gods purpose and plan for your life
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