You are not good for me, but that doesn't mean I'm better than you.
That's a statement that can almost be too hard to say... Everyone likes to live under the deception that they deserve the best and maybe we do.
But what does it mean to say something or someone is "The Best"?
"The Best" has to be purpose based.
So... If i say "The Best" shirt for a sporting event is a Polo Shirt.
Does this make a Polo Shirt the best clothing attire?
If you showed up on Monday at a bank where the employment conditions read, "always appear in your best" with a polo shirt and a jean short know you wouldn't be resuming duty that day.
Or what if you wore a very expensive beach short to your best friends wedding.
A beach short is perfect for the beach or other casual settings but not a wedding.
And before you think I'm speaking of "Best for" from an angle of deficience.
What if you wore a three piece suit to the football pitch or Maybe an "Agbada" the traditional Yoruba wear, to a football game.
You see, just because the Makers of Suits call it "classy" doesn't mean it is the classy thing to wear all the time.
Neither can the Makers of Agbada who think it is a sign of cultural wealth, argue that you can rock it on the beach. You would look ridiculous.
So, when you speak of your standards dear person... Stop! Stop talking about your standards as though it is ultimate. What you want is specific to your Need, Personality or Purpose. It doesn't mean you are special.
A Mercedes spare part can most likely not be used as a replacement part for a Honda.
Imagine the Honda Car, thinking or feeling superior because it rejected the Mercedes. Ridiculous right? Car lovers get it.
So, it is Okay to say "I don't think we work".
"I don't think we get along", " I don't think we are a good fit".
And to say this, without trying to devalue another person in the process.
These days, the very intelligent ones can tell your insecurities as you brag about how you rejected so and so because they didn't meet up to your "standard"
Well, i take that back, maybe you can get away with making empty boasts like that, cos sadly the intelligent ones are very few and often quiet. You know that thing about Barrels, Empty and Full....
There's a very thin line between "Politeness" and "Rudeness". And I don't even mean "Niceness".
You don't even have to give everyone a shot. But be wise and intelligent enough to know it is only because they don't serve your purpose.
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