I love families. I always have. From a dreamy-eyed couple, hands interlocked, taking graceful strides, shoulder to shoulder, smiling into each other's love-struck faces, to the picture of a family of three: father helping mum in the kitchen while mum breastfeeds her little one and at the same time interrupts his cooking amusingly with instructions of “a little salt, honey†and “not too spicy, please†from time to time.
So I avail myself to help out—but most importantly to feed my mind with beautiful templates of an ideal family— when there’s a family function to attend.
“Maybe God would give me a tall, handsome, tender-loving husband like this one.†I'd whisper within. “Or a beautiful, adorable baby like this cutie here. Oh! And lovely cars for the family and yes! A spacious, comfortable apartment will do, as well.â€
Meanwhile, I'd always looked forward to experiencing a particular scripture play out every day of my life; this scripture that says:
Ps.68.19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation!Selah (NKJV)
I started asking God each day, for the benefit of that day.
So one sunny afternoon, I conveyed myself to church. I love being around such an atmosphere, even when no particular program is being held.
On getting to church, I met my neighbor with whom I shared the same building. Then we got talking. Along the line of our conversation, I brought up a scripture I recently got proper revelation on, while speaking with one of our Pastors:
Eccl.3.11 God has made everything beautiful for its own time. HE HAS PLANTED ETERNITY IN THE HUMAN HEART, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. (NLT)
When he asked me what revelation I got. I told him it was centred around not having to worry about tomorrow or how your future will turn out to be in a couple of years or whether you will eventually meet up with the exact plan of God for every stage of your life; because, as it were “God has put all that in your heart…all of eternity. You just have to stay with Him to have every single vision of His, for you, unfold at ‘its time'.
He nodded and affirmed his belief in that revelation as well. Then he proceeded to add something:
“I believe that scripture also talks about the unlimited nature of God. He is eternal. Therefore don’t limit Him or what He can do in your life.â€
As I was still trying to recover from the direct instruction suddenly focused on me, he added:
“I see you are so much into families. I noticed this the first three weeks you moved into our compound. God will have you know that; giving you a wonderful family is not the best He has for you. It’s more than just driving around in a fancy car, with your husband and children and just living in a comfortable house. No. God wants to give you more.â€
Then he went on to add:
“And if you keep thinking this way, this will condition the kind of man that will eventually come your way. Because he can’t be thinking: nations and you are thinking: family. You’ll end up limiting his vision as well.â€
That was it! That was the benefit of that day: a word of knowledge in my direction. Although I knew I had got this buzzer of caution in my heart whenever I started daydreaming about the perfect family God was going to give me, I never knew it was this serious. God had to speak to me in a spectacular way to jolt me back to the reality He wanted me to have: A reality without limitations; with an elevated perspective. Not small in thinking.
How did I confirm all of these? I went to pray immediately after I got that word, and God took His time to expand more on the subject, to me.
I tell you, my life and my thinking never remained the same, thereafter. The word I received that day—despite coming from a familiar person, not even a Pastor or a Prophet as it were, sparked off something different in my life from then onwards.
Now, many of us might have thought, prior to reading this, that when God spoke about daily loading us with benefits, these benefits had to be tangible. Not so. I found out; it might come in an abstract or intangible form; probably a word of acknowledgement or encouragement in your direction or a life lesson that would serve your generations to come.
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